The ICBC Motorcycle Road Test for Class 6 and Class 8N License. Including Can Ams and other Three Wheelers. Videos are at the bottom of the page.

The best advice we can give you on passing the ICBC Motorcycle Road Test is, riding. Be comfortable with the motorcycle you’re on and spend a lot of time riding. Some people can pass the test in as little as 10 hours of riding, others may take 100 hours of riding. We all learn differently.

Don’t be in a rush to get this test done and over with. The ICBC final road test is a concert performance and you are the star. ICBC will have no problem failing you within the first five minutes of your road test if you ride poorly.

When the road test begins. It is NOT a race to get back to ICBC. Listen to all instructions from the examiner via one way radio attached to the vest ICBC provides. Do not rush to follow instructions. You may make a dangerous action and fail yourself. Repeat the instructions back to yourself, proceed with the instructions when it is safe to do so. Missed their instructions? No problem, they will reroute you.

Click Here to book your ICBC Road Test (ICBC Website).

If you have a colorful helmet. GOOD!. If not… It is useful to have a vertical line of bright tape on the back of your helmet to make it easy for the examiner to see your shoulder checks. You’ll have to exaggerate your head movements on the test. Mirror checks do not count.

If you did not take our full learn to ride course and need help with the road test please contact us here. Road Test Help Request Form


1. Do not ride too close to the yellow center line or the dotted white line. Ride ONE meter away from it. ICBC does not want you riding too close to oncoming traffic or riding too close to other traffic.


2. ICBC will give you instructions. DO NOT act on them immediately. Think about it and proceed when it is safe to do so. ICBC expects you to follow all the rules, not follow their instructions immediately as they say them. If you miss a turn. Do not worry, it is ok. Do not rush and fail yourself.


3. When turning left or right, there are rules. Scan the intersection. Mirror checks do not count.

When turning left be in the left part of the lane (lane position 1). No shoulder check required but scan the intersection before going.

When turning right be in the right part of the lane (lane position 3). Check over your right shoulder for cyclists, every time. You must make this check BEFORE you start turning. Scan the intersection and go.

If you are waiting at a red light or a stop sign for longer than 5 seconds. Redo your should checks before going.

4. Shoulder check every lane position (position 1 to 3 or 3 to 1) and Shoulder check every lane change.

This means you have to do two to three shoulder checks every time you change lanes. Mirror checks do not count.

Lane position 2 (the middle of the lane) does not exist on the road test. Do not ride here.


5.  A motorcycle speedometer will not be equal with the examiners car following you. Check your speedometer with a GPS (your phone should have this). If you don’t think your speedometer is accurate, go 5km/h above the limit. This ensures you are always within the right speed for the test. Many fail for going too slow and being too cautious. You will get a point against (or fail) for going 10km/h (or more) above the limit.

If you ride a Can Am, the speedometers are very accurate. Go the the speed limit, it will match the examiners vehicle.

If it is raining, you still must maintain the speed limit. Going under the limit is not acceptable on the road test.

6. When coming to a stop at a stop sign or a red light. Stop BEFORE the white stop line. Never stop on it or over it. You will get a point or they might fail you for crossing it.

If you cannot see if it is safe to go, you can roll forward until you can. Just make sure to stop before the white line first. Redo shoulder checks and go.


7. Stay in the lane position 1 (left side). Use lane position 3 (right side) occasionally as necessary. Riding in lane position 3 (right side) is ok on a multi lane road or highway. Do not use lane position 3 (right side) if you against the side walk or a barrier.

8. Visibly scan left and right before going through intersections and railway crossings. Including when you are stopped at an intersection and light changes from red to green.

The examiner must see your helmet move! Be dramatic about it.

9. When going straight through an intersection and an oncoming vehicle is waiting to turn left (in front of you, after you or right through you!). Always shoulder check, and move to the right lane position 3. This move could save your life or prevent serious injury. This is just a point on the test but a big reason why so many riders get hurt.


10. When you are waiting to turn left at an intersection. Only one vehicle at a time. If there is a car ahead of you waiting to turn left. You must wait before the white line. When it is your turn. Position your motorcycle just after the crosswalk. Your back tire should just pass the crosswalk lines. Wait there and keep your wheel straight. Do not go too far out into the intersection.


11. Stop 3 meters, 10 feet, or one car length before all vehicles. Do not stop right behind them. Do not follow too closely to moving traffic as well. At least two seconds of follow distance.

12. You might have to ride through 4+ school and playground zones. Always check for the signs. If the school zone or playground zone signs have a white speed sign underneath them, you must go 30kmh. Big fields and schools are giveaways too. School zones and Playground zones end when you can see the backside of the sign in the oncoming lane. Do not slow down to School Zone/Playground Zone speed if there is NO white sign present.

It is an instant fail if you speed through a school/playground zone.

In July and August there is no school in session so DO NOT slow down for school zones UNLESS there is sign that says SUMMER SCHOOL IN SESSION (or similar). Then you will have to slow down.


Playground zones are still in effect. Sunrise to Sunset, 365 days a year.

13. When riding on quiet residential roads with no center line. Riding at 40km/h is ok. Any slower and you may get points against you.


14. Be careful making a right turn at a red light. Check for the sign, No Right Turn on Red. If it is present, wait. If it is not you may turn on a red light but you must come to a complete stop before the white line. Do not trust traffic, only proceed when it is clear.

RB-79R - Barricade Traffic Services

15. When performing a Uturn, shoulder check every move and use your signals. Shoulder check and signal to the right to pull over (stopping not required). Shoulder check and left turn signal to perform the uturn. Pull to the other side of the curb, shoulder check and signal left to re-enter the road. Be sure there are no moving vehicles around. Set yourself up for success, pull over where this is the most amount of space to do your uturn.

16. They may ask you to pull over and name hazards nearby. They expect you to park on the street, with your back tire against the curb, at a 45 degree angle. You will then name hazards like a blind corner, driveways, debris, etc.

17. When going up a hill that you cannot see over, shoulder check and move over to the right portion of your lane (position 3).

18. If there is a vehicle with ORANGE flashing lights stopped on the side of the road slow down to 40km/h, This could be a city landscaping vehicle or something similar. If you see a police/fire/ambulance with flashing lights stopped. You must also slow down to 40km/h. If you are on a highway, 20km/h under the limit.

19. When merging onto a highway, speed up, match the speed of traffic and blend in. Merge fast and late. Not early and slow. Do not force traffic to slow down to make room for you. They can fail you for this.

20. When exiting a highway DO NOT slow down to the speed displayed on the YELLOW posted sign. This is an advisory and recommendation. If traffic is backing up behind you because you are going too slow on the off ramp, you will be marked. Go with the flow of the traffic. Don’t be the slowest, don’t be the fastest in this situation.

21. Do NOT cross a White Solid Line. These appear at intersections, bus lanes, HOV lanes, and bike lanes. ALWAYS make sure you are not crossing a white solid line when changing lanes. This should not be a fail on the test unless it caused a dangerous action. If you fail for crossing a white solid line. Get as many details as possible and and ask for clarity from the ICBC examiner and/or supervisor.

22. Do not ride in the Diamond Lane (bus lane, HOV lane). This is an automatic fail on the road test. Be careful as some Diamond Lanes are immediate at a right turn.

Richmond Road Test Riders! BE CAREFUL HERE. This will be an instant FAIL.

23. At the end of your test. They’ll ask you to park. Come to a complete stop, check both sides via shoulder check. Turn on a signal, and back the motorcycle up. If you are unable to back your motorcycle up, you can dismount and do this.

The biggest and most challenging variable of the ICBC road test is the examiner. If you fail and you feel it is unfair, take as many details as possible (including the examiners name), and ask nicely to talk to the Driver Examiner Supervisor. They will not be able to reverse your fail but it will alert them to potential inconsistencies with examiners. They may rebook you an earlier retest. 

Watch these videos to prepare for your road test

When you are ready for more adventures on motorcycles…