You’ve Learned to Ride… Now what?!?!?
Here are additional resources to make your adventure in motorcycling cheaper and easier.

For Motorcycles and Gear. Here are our biggest supporters
- Ducati Richmond (Stuart)
- Pacific Motorsports (Kathleen & Arielle)
- Burnaby Kawasaki (Trevor & Jay)
- Honda Centre (Galen)
- Yamaha GA Checkpoint (Casey)
- Holeshot Motorsports (Kim Gill)
- BMW High Road Motorsports (Steven Yu)
- East Side ReRides (motorcycle gear consignment shop)
Best resources for used motorcycles
- Facebook Marketplace
- Craigslist by Owner – Craigslist by Dealer
- Dealer websites (they get trade ins)
Need help checking out a motorcycle?
- Text message or call Tim @ 604 723 1332. His opinions and views are his own!
- – Motorcycle inspection and towing service. 604 339 3765 or 604 808 0803
- Lone Wolf Motorcycle Towing (If you need your motorcycle towed to a shop) – 604-928-7003
3rd Party Insurance Companies (Basic with ICBC, the rest with these companies)
Need a shop or mechanic to maintain and fix your motorcycle? We send our motorcycles here.
Lightmode Helmet kits. Ride at night? This is for you!
- Camera Chin Mounts for your helmet. Helmet specific mounts, water resistant, lightweight design and easy to install.

This book is for you! All the adventures and stories on where motorcycling can take you.
The Adventures You'll Have Riding Motorcycles
Still have questions?
The best time to visit us is between 10am and 4pm, Saturday and Sunday. Outside these times, please call or email. We do not run an office.
Richmond Training Lot
7111 No 8 Rd. Richmond.
Coquitlam Training Lot
1401 Lucille Starr Dr. Coquitlam.