1st Gear Motorcycle Training

Skill Sharpener – 11am to 3pm

1401 Lucille Starr Dr. Coquitlam

Parking Lot with Yellow Gates

Skills you will sharpen!

Emergency Stops – Find your shortest stopping distance at maximum threshold braking.
Slalom – Navigate busy traffic, gas stations and the Squamish Starbucks parking lot with ease.
Countersteering – Object avoidance, change lanes at speed.
Tight turns – Get out of tight situations smoothly and confidently.

Course Details. PLEASE read before signing up. 

ICBC Motorcycle License is required. A minimum of a learners license with MST is required for this course.

You provide your own motorcycle. Please ensure your motorcycle is in good working order and tires at the proper PSI recommendations.

Loud pipes & after market exhausts. These are OK as long as they are kept at lower revs/rpms. No aggressive acceleration and no throttle revving. If your exhaust is still too loud you will have to leave.

Motorcycle Gear – All skin covered.  Please have all your skin covered when riding on our course. Highly recommended

Motorcycle Maintenance information. Adam will be onsite to show you how to maintain your motorcycle and make adjustments. No maintenance will be done but he will show you where the oil drain plug is and show you were your adjustments are. Bring your questions!

We run this course in dry conditions. If the weather is wet or raining we will postpone it to the next date. Typically the next holiday Friday or Monday.

For Cancellation and Date Changes. Please give us 48 hours notice.

If you are under the age of 19 your parent or guardian must be present for the entire duration of this course.