Advanced Rider Training
One of the biggest keys to riding a motorcycle safely is ongoing, advanced rider training. It is possible to ride a motorcycle safely without any advanced rider training. Will you be prepared in that critical moment? Knowing what to do in the moment comes from repetition and training. The events and courses listed below are all great options to increase your skill level. Costs vary so do what works for your budget. Also keep in mind a crash can far exceed the costs of Advanced Rider Training. It is an investment in keeping you safe.
There are also great books on Advanced Rider Training. Check out Total Control by Lee Parks, Mastering the Ride by David Hough, and a quick google search will lead you to many other excellent books.
“We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.” ― Archilochos
1st Gear Advanced Riding Challenge
Looking for the skills to bring you to the next level or do you want to show us how good you are? This course is also great for riders who have had a hiatus of riding a motorcycle and want to increase their skills.
We’ve put together a training course so you can confidently navigate your motorcycle through tight situations with ease. We’ll focus on maneuvers like tight turns at slow speeds, rear end accident avoidance, higher speed slalom, emergency stopping from 50kmh+, and at the end we’ll put it all together in a course which will be fun and challenging. In order to pass the course, you’ll have to complete it without knocking down any cones.
Pitt Meadows Track Days
This event is run several times throughout the season. All motorcycle and skill levels welcome. This is the best place to go for after your initial rider training course, it is also great for the experienced rider. Everyone is divided up into groups according to their skill level. Safety Riders are onsite and ontrack to help you become a better rider. Lee is also a safety rider so you’ll see him here too. Pitt Meadows Track days is the place to go to lean your motorcycle over and learning what it is capable of. You don’t want to push the limits on the street. Push the limits here in a safe, controlled environment.
Westwood Motorcycle Racing Club (WMRC)
Track Days: For 2018 we’re offering 6 days where you can take your bike to the track and work on improving your skills in a safe non-competitive environment.
Learn, Practice & Improve! On non-school days we offer Semi-private training from our experts. Want to improve? This is the best way to learn.
MAY 19 – JUNE 22 – JULY 3 – AUGUST 6 – AUGUST 10 – AUGUST 31
New Racer School: Faster, Safer, Smarter. Our popular school is back again for 2018. This school is designed to bring out the best in every rider. From those looking to get started with trackdays to those to who want to race you’re going to get the feedback on your riding that you’ve been wanting.
May 6th, 15th, 18th & July 22nd, August 1st & 6th
Not sure where you fit in? Come out and volunteer. We always need help and you will get the best seat in the house to watch the action!